The vast landscapes of Mata Nui are home to all kinds of creatures, called "Rahi" by the Matoran. Some are dangerous beasts, some have been domesticated to play important roles in the villagers' lives, and some freely roam the wilderness without ever coming in contact with civilization. But with their minds placed under the control of Makuta's infected masks, any and all Rahi become servants of evil that terrorize the island, standing in the way of the Toa's quest to defeat the master of shadows. Be it the terrifying jaws of Muaka and Kane-Ra, the striking blows of Tarakava, the fierce stingers of Nui-Jaga and Nui-Rama, or the mighty claws of the Manas - to save Mata Nui, one must first face the Challenge of the Rahi.
In this expansion, we explore the wildlife of Mata Nui and essentially cover the parts of 2001 that were missing in BCOT. This includes a plethora of Rahi, but also the Makuta himself and some more prominent Matoran outside the Chronicler’s Company.
After being in a somewhat non-satisfactory state for a good while, a few rounds of focused updates nestled into the development cycles of the BCOT overhaul and BPEV have now resolved most of the major issues with both the Matoran and the Rahi parts of this expansion. A few untouched leftovers remain and might get touched up at a convenient timing, but they’re not a priority.
Latest Release
Final Release (Download BCOR, Download BCOR and BCOT)
Updated for EDOPro! (Download BCOT, BCOR, BBTS)
Version 3.20.4 – “The Matoran Update” (Download)
Version 4.7.3 – “The Rahi Update”
Archetypes / Themes